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Overview 2022

2022 was an intense year for L200. A slow start in the post-covid time was followed by a busy period with many new members, projects, events. Let’s take a look at what happened in 2022 and get a glimpse of the new vibrant and diverse L200 community, under construction.

NeNa1 is in a transition phase. Recent monthly events focused on the newly formed Klimagenossenschaft, in collaboration with Dominik Wasser. Note that NeNa1 members can use L200 for free!

Neustart Schweiz organized its general assemblies and smaller workshops at L200 and showcased L200 to student groups. Moreover, uses L200 as a display and distribution center for its books on sustainability like the recently published “Auf den Boden kommen”.

The Stadtufer cooperative used L200 for co-working and for a series of information events. More is coming in 2023 through this collaboration.

NetHood in collaboration with the Internet Society Switzerland Chapter (ISOC-CH) broadcasted alternative news from the digital world from L200, every 7th of the month at 7pm. The 7at7.digital is now paused but it will resume in mid 2023. Stay tuned!

Martin Furrer (Haar-m, M., usw) run a weekly pop-up shop (every wednesday between between March and May) with various products and equipped L200 with a piano, a cool stool, a vinyl player, a mobile ashtray, and more!

Forum 5im5i, one of the founders of the L200 space, concluded its operation and used the L200 for the last time on January 28, 2022. 5im5i members continue to support the neighbourhood life in different ways.

Transition Zurich moved to the outskirts of Zurich but still uses L200 for small workshops with partners like Boimig and El Comedor.

AOZ as always offers a completely free and easy to join German language course, and also information on learning German across the city. Every Thursday at 17:00.

Terrasse Ensemble theater group made its rehearsals and specialized workshops at L200. Check their scheduled performances at Theater Stok!

Encointer (Leu.Zurich) used L200 as an infopoint and a venue for its LeuTreff event series.

Flexibles used L200 as a co-working space, and also for its postal address.

Kalkbreite cooperative organized a workshop for residents of the Zollhaus building.

Rainbow Affair organized a series of daily pop-up shops to promote their new brand. Sometimes also with guests.

ETH Zurich’s LUS Institute organized a series of events and workshops. Among others, the More Than Human Film series, panel discussion on books as architecture, the annual Jacques Simon dinner, preparatory workshops for the INURA conference 2023 in Zurich.

Vochabular organized a co-working session for the new French edition of their auto-didactic guide of Swiss German. Their books are always available to buy (free price) at L200.

Walter and Frederic (Mayan Dreams) organized an open ping-pong evening.

The Lemonia greek delikatessen organized a pop-up shop during Christmas, together with Amunemi, a new brand upcycling leather couches to bags.

Shareitt installed a window display (3 windows) with an alternative Adventscalendar for sharing / exchanging objects we don’t use any more.

Zurich Storytellers chose L200 as the permanent venue of their monthly Storyslams.

Frauenstadtrundgang Zürich organized an apero.

Bibi organized a concert with greek music as a gift to her best friend

Daniela Zebrini participated at the “Chase the Dark” international event through L200, which was transformed with colourful blacklights.

Demokrative organized small workshops. They are a non-profit organization that needs your support.

Invite app organized a series of neighbourhood parties between strangers

Glocalroots held a series of intimate discussions

Josefwiese Kiosk held at L200 some of its board meetings.

SP4&5 held at L200 some of its board meetings.

The GLP5 held at L200 one of its board meetings.

Grassrooted held at L200 a volunteer organization workshop.

Noigass 100% used L200 as a distribution center for its flyers.

Openfutures with ClubLafafa launched an awareness campaign on Swiss residence permits covering all 5 Neugasse windows with posters showcasing the F, N, S, C, usw permits.

Republik online newspaper used L200 for workshop with its cooperative members and as a distribution center for its printed magazines.

Tellfilm media production company organized a pre-screening of their new TV series at L200.

Andy meets Warhol transformed L200 to a gallery for his colourful paintings, just for one evening.

Vasilis Ntouros did a 3-month internship during the summer (a sort of action research residency) and helped a lot L200 to recover from the corona crisis.

University of Zurich’s DSI Community Work group organized a film screening and discussion on the role of digitalization for the future of work.

The 2402 forum organized a film screening in the context of the yearly series of screening and discussion about the war in Ukraine.

Ifigenia Dimitrakou and the Mietenplenum zürich organized a playful event during the Parking Day 2022.

The residents of the building at Langstrasse 200, organized their annual film screening at L200.

Nazli and Igor living in the same building organized the birthday party of their daughter

Philipp Klaus gave two violin solo concerts, in an “extended living room” setting, which became popular since then.

Tyler gave a guitar solo concert for family and friends, inspired by Philipp's concert.

SGMK, now based at ZW, organized at L200 their Christmas dinner.

The Footprints gave a jazz concert, with a literally open door for passers by to get a glimpse.

Fairmedia organized a workshop on defending people from “character assasination”

The Bring Your Own Friday nights started in late 2022, hosted by Panos, Walter, Ileana, and more L200 mombers, and they continue in 2023.

GreenUP used L200 for workshops with their Zurich volunteers.

The Cafe Lento Sunday afternoons were introduced in late 2022 by Nazli and Panos, and will continue in 2023.

Rafaelle Giovane aka Creagiovane created a self-standing “window shop” for selling his handmade postcards.

The well-known pianist from Australia Michael de Huy, during his tour in Switzerland saw the L200’s piano while passing by and gave an improvised short concert for other passerbys.

Anna screened at L200 her film Homo Bublicus during the one of the Cafe Lento afternoons.

Sinndrin cooperative organized a private dinner.

Andrea Freimuth organized two aperos for ProVelo and Skitouren associations.

Florian and Vera organized a pop-up for selling the old objects from Florian’s father’s Pfarrhaus.

Feministen organized one film screening and one panel discussion.

Benoit, a close neighbor, discovered L200 through Florian's pop-up and then organized a surprise birthday party.

The High Voltage Show group organized a thematic dinner on climate change and comedy.

Janic organized a home party including a film screening of his ski adventures

Guido Holenstein, our volunteer graphic designer, used L200 for various working meetings. He also organized a used clothes charity for Ukranian women.